With confidence shattered, Ava once again greased the lemon bread pans, and put them on the rack. "This time,. I will not talk to ANYBODY. I will double check EVERYTHING I do, and make sure I do it right."

She mixed the DRY ingredients... flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. She mixed the WET ingredients... eggs, milk, and oil. She grated the lemon rind and put all of the ingredients into a big stainless steel bowl.

With her hands, she did a dog paddle swimming stroke to beat the batter the way professional bakers do. She double checked all of the ingredients. "I KNOW it's right this time." She tasted the batter... YUM! She put a cup of batter into each pan.

Into the oven went the 10 lemon breads. She set the timer for 35 minutes, and went on to other activities.